Knight Profiles
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Senior Year Memories
1961 Fallen Knights
1962 Fallen Knights
1963 Fallen Knights
1964 Fallen Knights
1965 Fallen Knights
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Knight Profiles
Anne Bridges Felder
A message from Anne's son, John:
I received your reunion brochure recently, on behalf of my mother Anne Bridges (class of 63 I believe). I made a trip with her to the reunion about 15 yrs or so ago and we had a wonderful time at Saddlebrook. It did my heart good to see her so happy seeing all her friends again that weekend.
I would have made sure she came to this reunion as well as she often talked about her times at Robinson and missed seeing all her friends.
Unfortunately, she's been stricken with Alzheimer's for several years and we expect her to pass away any day now.
There was a gradual decline in Anne's health through December 2010 when she reached a level where she needed nursing care. It appeared she must have had 1 or more small strokes as she lost the ability to talk quickly. I searched high and low but finally found a great place here in Charlotte that has taken wonderful care of her and where she was quite happy.
During visits, it appeared she could understand us but would only respond with babble, but she was happy to see us and loved her grandbaby clinging to her. It's truly a terrible disease with the slow destruction it causes and the emotional drain on everyone involved is epoch. My main solace through all of it has been such good memories from the past as we had many laughs and good times...she was an excellent mother and friend who was always there to help in any way she could.
I wanted to inform you as I know she has many friends from her class but lost touch over the years and I don't have their contact info.
I wish you all well and hope you have a wonderful reunion! Hopefully mom will be with you in spirit to celebrate as well.
If you wouldn't mind, please pass along the info to your classmates that knew her.
The photo is Anne with her granddaughter Caidence - October 2006
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